Quantum Consciousness of Lent
So first - let's define LENT
Per Wiki - "Lent (Latin: Quadragesima: Fortieth) is a solemn religious observance in the Christian liturgical calendar that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends approximately six weeks later, before Easter Sunday. ... Some Anabaptist and evangelical churches also observe the Lenten season."
Per the BBC site, Lent has a more modern day flav to it: "Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. By observing the 40 days of Lent, Christians replicate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days."
OK, so it's a Christian thing, that should in theory impact 1/3 of the planet, 2.4 Billion People. In the USA - well over 2/3 of the people should in theory at least... will pause... and maybe reflect a little... as Jesus did. Re-connect with Source... uh... what is "Source"?
What Science tells us: OK - let's go geeky. Guys like Hameroff and Penrose, Einstein and others try to understand our "operating system".
It's like the Avatar in Minecraft trying to figure out how the Circuit Board works. Can he - or we - actually do it?
One of the leading theories is that consciousness is, in fact, a constant in the Universe (like gravity) - and we all just Plug into it - and our reality plays out like a movie, a series of waveform collapses - about 25 a second.
Every electron IN EVERYTHING - is capable of communicating across thousands of light years - instantly - Thousands of times faster than the speed of light... OK Chuck (Darwin) - why IS that? Hmmm
So in essence, The Science points to what so many people are saying. All around the planet, we say the same thing - for thousands of years - Pray - Connect To Source - Use the Force, Be more than you, Higher Power - We are all one with everything. Recent Science is proving out a "Spiritual" connection - There is clearly "Something More" we are yet to understand, or may never understand.
What Jesus Did - So think of Jesus as an Avatar - in God Mode. He sees all the code for everything, For Christ, it was like being in "The Matrix" while seeing all of the Matrix (Neo fans - starting to see the connection - it's a spiritual movie - metaphors... hmm).
Jesus was and is the ultimate Human - The Gamers Dream - with the ultimate connection to the source. In these 40 days, he focused intently on connecting to the source. He turned off the TV, Cell phone and eliminated distractions so he could connect... with Source - with the Creator - the God of all. He plugged in- recharged - re-connected his spiritual energy... he had a lot of shit to go thru,,,, he really needed that. God gave him the full user experience - pain included.
What we do - The "Faiths" are full of positive life things - The Bible is a great rule book - lessons in living. The commandments are great rules for living (only a few are actual laws, hence a lot of our problems). Half the world populations follow faiths that promote tolerance, kindness, and spirituality and love. Practice? Well - "Simple not Easy" is a great slogan there.
So for the 2.4 Billion Christians - We reflect on ourselves at this time, we look at our health, spirituality, lifestyles, and decide to make changes. For 40 days we (attempt to) align with Christ in some way - do better - and do things that will connect us better to "Source". Healthier eating, more sleep, less TV - less Video Games... many do something - somehow in some way... we recognize this time as a "hey - yes - I am not perfectly aligned with my "higher power", I am hurting me... my opportunities - let's rock a change.
What that's doing - Well, physically, in your head you are 'reprogramming your mind' to enact on 'different code. Re-aligning the quantum microtubules inside the Neurons to function differently (youtube Hameroff for how all that works - lol). And after a month of "Conscious Change" - you literally start the reprogramming of your subconscious mind (See Gabor - Not Zsa Zsa - Dr Gabor Mate).
So Lent does - in a way - what the Christian-based
12-Step Program suggests doing every day...
Step 10 - Daily, take an inventory - admit wrongs -
make micro-corrections - every day.
Constantly. Why wait for Lent?
Constantly. Why wait for Lent?
You look at You. Train your own brain and your own code for perpetual positive personal programming. Micro Adjustments.
The world we live in - A great lyric - by Biblically Named Band "Genesis... the "Land of Confusion". Stop and think about the past 100+ years - all the "Distractions from Source". Look at the main image - Modern day Romans we are, except a lot worse!
Look closely at the first Image in this blog - If you do TV, Gaming, Sports, Internet, Phones, Social... all in moderation - you eat up more than a whole day... Most all of these things produce Dopamine - which increases anxieties - stress - tensions and is causal in so much self-medicating and suicide we see today. Over 3 Million a year die from Alcohol alone... WHY? There is something wrong - a lot of something wrong... YOU can only fix YOU.
All of the distractions - take time - for many - more than a full working day is lost a week - that's every week. You are not taking it off from work - or stopping life chores... you lose sleep - and one other thing is impacted. A rule for life - from the Programmer - Did you guess it? Google Bible Commandment #4 - Look it up.
A FUN video to share... Just plain practical...and Amazing - You WILL Smile!
Learn what millions have from this 13-year kid... Hack your Personal Program...
Pay attention to his suggestions on Nature Unplug a bit and change your life.
Maybe make a weekly Nature walk - meditating -
instead of medicating - make it a Lent thing, and a life thing.
You can comply with Rule #4 at the same time.
The kid did it. Can you? :-) Rock on!
See the whole world anew.
Peter p 860.573.0720